WorkflowController data types


Final result of an authentication.

  • url: Refresh url or an optional communication error address.

  • result: Contains information about the result of the authentication. See AuthResultData.

data class AuthResult(
  val url: Uri?,
  val result: AuthResultData?
) : Parcelable


Information about an authentication.

  • major:

    Major error code. See BSI TR-03112 for error code definitions.

  • minor:

    Minor error code. See BSI TR-03112 for error code definitions.

  • language:

    Language of description and message. Language “en” is supported only at the moment.

  • description:

    Description of the error message.

  • message:

    The error message.

  • reason:

    An unique reason why the workflow was aborted.

data class AuthResultData(
  val major: String,
  val minor: String?,
  val language: String?,
  val description: String?,
  val message: String?,
  val reason: String?
) : Parcelable


Final result of a PIN change.

  • success: True if a the PIN has been successfully set, else false

  • Reason: Unique error code if the PIN change failed.

data class ChangePinResult(
  val success: Boolean,
  val reason: String?
) : Parcelable


Detailed description of the certificate.

  • issuerName: Name of the certificate issuer.

  • issuerUrl: URL of the certificate issuer.

  • subjectName: Name of the certificate subject.

  • subjectUrl: URL of the certificate subject.

  • termsOfUsage: Raw certificate information about the terms of usage.

  • purpose: Parsed purpose of the terms of usage.

  • validity: Certificate validity, see CertificateValidity.

data class CertificateDescription(
    val issuerName: String,
    val issuerUrl: Uri?,
    val purpose: String,
    val subjectName: String,
    val subjectUrl: Uri?,
    val termsOfUsage: String,
    val validity: CertificateValidity
) : Parcelable


Validity dates of the certificate in UTC.

  • effectiveDate: Certificate is valid since this date.

  • expirationDate: Certificate is invalid after this date.

data class CertificateValidity(
    val effectiveDate: Date,
    val expirationDate: Date
) : Parcelable


Access rights requested by the provider. See section AccessRight.

  • requiredRights: These rights are mandatory and cannot be disabled.

  • optionalRights: These rights are optional and can be enabled or disabled

  • effectiveRights: Indicates the enabled access rights of optional and required.

  • transactionInfo: Optional transaction information.

  • auxiliaryData: Optional auxiliary data of the provider, see AuxiliaryData.

data class AccessRights(
    val requiredRights: List<AccessRight>,
    val optionalRights: List<AccessRight>,
    val effectiveRights: List<AccessRight>,
    val transactionInfo: String?,
    val auxiliaryData: AuxiliaryData?
) : Parcelable


Auxiliary data of the provider.

  • ageVerificationDate: Optional required date of birth for AgeVerification.

  • requiredAge: Optional required age for AgeVerification. It is calculated by the SDK on the basis of ageVerificationDate and current date.

  • validityDate: Optional validity date.

  • communityId: Optional id of community.

data class OptionalProviderData(
    val ageVerificationDate: Date?,
    val requiredAge: Int?,
    val validityDate: Date?,
    val communityId: String?
) : Parcelable


Provides information about a reader.

  • name: Identifier of card reader.

  • insertable: Indicates whether a card can be inserted via setCard.

  • attached: Indicates whether a card reader is connected or disconnected.

  • keypad: Indicates whether a card reader has a keypad. The parameter is only shown when a reader is attached.

  • card: Provides information about inserted card, otherwise null. All properties of card set to null signal an unknown card. See Card.

data class Reader(
    val name: String,
    val insertable: Boolean,
    val attached: Boolean,
    val keypad: Boolean,
    val card: Card?
) : Parcelable


Provides information about inserted card.

An unknown card (without eID function) is represented by all properties set to null. You can use the convinience function Card.isUnknown() to check for an unknown card.

  • inoperative: True if PUK is inoperative and cannot unblock PIN, otherwise false. This can be recognized if user enters a correct PUK only. It is not possible to read this data before a user tries to unblock the PIN.

  • deactivated: True if eID functionality is deactivated, otherwise false. The scan dialog on iOS won’t be closed if this is True. You need to call interrupt yourself to show an error message.

  • pinRetryCounter: Count of possible retries for the PIN. If you enter a PIN it will be decreased if PIN was incorrect.

data class Card(
    val deactivated: Boolean?,
    val inoperative: Boolean?,
    val pinRetryCounter: Int?
) : Parcelable

fun Card.isUnknown() : Boolean = inoperative == null && deactivated == null && pinRetryCounter == null


Provides information about why the SDK is waiting. See onPause.

List of all possible causes:

  • BadCardPosition: Denotes an unstable or lost card connection.

enum class Cause(val rawName: String) {


Provides information about an error.

  • msg: Message type in which the error occurred.

  • error: Error message.

data class WrapperError(
    val msg: String,
    val error: String
) : Parcelable


Provides information about the workflow status.

  • workflow: Type of the current workflow. If there is no workflow in progress this will be null.

    See section WorkflowProgressType.

  • progress: Percentage of workflow progress. If there is no workflow in progress this will be null.

  • state: Name of the current state if paused. If there is no workflow in progress or the workflow is not paused this will be null.

data class WorkflowProgress(
  val workflow: WorkflowProgressType?,
  val progress: Int?,
  val state: String?
) : Parcelable


List of all types of WorkflowProgress

enum class WorkflowProgressType(val rawName: String) {



iOS only
Messages for the NFC system dialog on iOS
  • sessionStarted: Shown if scanning is started

  • sessionFailed: Shown if communication was stopped with an error.

  • sessionSucceeded: Shown if communication was stopped successfully.

  • sessionInProgress: Shown if communication is in progress. This message will be appended with current percentage level.

public struct AA2UserInfoMessages: Encodable {
  let sessionStarted: String?
  let sessionFailed: String?
  let sessionSucceeded: String?
  let sessionInProgress: String?



Optional definition of files for the Simulator reader

Also see SDK documentation of Simulator Filesystem.

  • files: List of Filesystem definitions.

    The files from Advanced will always be present and can be overwritten as they are required for successful authentication. All other files will not exist unless they are specified so it is possible to simulate a missing piece of personal data.

    See SimulatorFile.

  • keys: Optional list of SimulatorKey definitions.

    All keys will always be present and can be overwritten as they are required for successful authentication.

    See SimulatorKey.

data class Simulator (
  val files: List<SimulatorFile>,
  val keys: List<SimulatorKey>?,
) : Parcelable


Filesystem for Simulator reader

The content of the filesystem can be provided as a JSON array of objects. The fileId and shortFileId are specified on the corresponding technical guideline of the BSI and ISO. The content is an ASN.1 structure in DER encoding.

All fields are hex encoded. Also see SDK documentation of Simulator Filesystem.

data class SimulatorFile (
  val fileId: String,
  val shortFileId: String,
  val content: String
) : Parcelable

See also

ISO 7816-4:2005

TR-03110_part3, part 3: Section A.1.2. Storage on the Chip

TR-03110_part4, part 4: Applications and Document Profiles


Keys for Simulator reader

  • id: id of the key.

    The Key 1 is used to check the blacklist while key 2 is used to calculate the pseudonym for the service provider.

  • content: The hex encoded key.

    A new key can be generated with OpenSSL (convert base64 to hex after generation).

    openssl genpkey -algorithm ec -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:brainpoolP256r1
data class SimulatorKey(
    val id: Int,
    val content: String,
) : Parcelable


Provides information about the underlying AusweisApp

  • name: Application name.

  • implementationTitle: Title of implementation.

  • implementationVendor: Vendor of implementation.

  • implementationVersion: Version of implementation.

  • specificationTitle: Title of specification.

  • specificationVendor: Vendor of specification.

  • specificationVersion: Version of specification.

data class VersionInfo(
    val name: String,
    val implementationTitle: String,
    val implementationVendor: String,
    val implementationVersion: String,
    val specificationVendor: String,
    val specificationVersion: String
) : Parcelable


List of all available access rights a provider might request.

enum class AccessRight(val rawName: String) {
