> Identify using the online identification

The feature Identify offers two functions

  1. The feature”Identify” is used when a service provider requires you to identify yourself using the online identification. Details can be found in section Steps to use the online identification function.

  2. You can select the feature See my personal data now.

The following figure shows AusweisApp2 after “Identify” was selected.


Fig. 13 Start dialog of the Identify feature

Process of online identification

Usually the online identification follows this pattern:

  1. The holder of the ID card wants to use a web service that requires an online identification.

  2. AusweisApp2 verifies the security requirements for the online identification and displays the authorization certificate of the service provider as well as the requested set of data.

  3. By entering the PIN, the card holder releases the transmission of data.


The online identification can be cancelled at the beginning with the following error messages:

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