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Person identifies himself via smartphone at Nutzerkonto-Bund

Source: Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat; Bundesdruckerei GmbH

Person identifies himself via smartphone at Nutzerkonto-Bund
28 results:

1. Privacy

Two hands typing on laptop This data protection information applies to data processing by: Governikus GmbH & Co. KG Hochschulring 4 D-28359 Bremen on behalf of the Federal Office for Information Security Godesberger…

2. Download

Download of AusweisApp from Playstore Download AusweisApp AusweisApp is a software that you install on your smartphone, computer or tablet in order to read out your ID card and to be able to identify yourself digitally. In addition,…

3. Newsletter registration

Our newsletter for service providers Subscribe to our newsletter now and regularly receive the latest information about the AusweisApp - from new functions and future webinars to relevant product…

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5. Frequently Asked Questions

Hand places wooden cubes with the letters FAQ Where can I download AusweisApp? You can download AusweisApp here. Depending on your operating system, select the appropriate download and install AusweisApp on your computer, smartphone or…

6. Help and Support

Woman sitting smiling with headphones in support office Getting Help fast: FAQs and Online Help [Translate to English:] Sie haben Fragen rund um die Nutzung der AusweisApp? In den Häufig Gestellten Fragen – FAQ bekommen Sie eine schnelle Antwort zu…

7. Legal Notice

Image detail of a typewriter with the word imprint Responsible for the Content Governikus GmbH & Co. KG - on behalf of the Federal Office for Information Security - Hochschulring 4, 28359 Bremen Phone support: + 49 (0)421 204 95…

8. Become a Service Provider

Word cloud in front of servers How to Integrate the eID Function To integrate the eID function into your product or offer, the following steps are necessary: 1. Connection to an eID server The most important component for a…

9. What You Need

Person holds smartphone with open AusweisApp and ID card in hand Requirements In order to use the eID function successfully, a number of requirements must be met. That is why we explain here in detail what you need to identify yourself securely online. There…

10. Accessibility Statement of the Software AusweisApp

White keyboard with green key for accessibility This accessibility statement applies to the version 2.2.0 of the AusweisApp available at As the party responsible for the software - on behalf of the German…
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