Win Installation of AusweisApp2 on a Windows operating system

The installation of AusweisApp2 is divided into several steps and can be cancelled at any time using the button “Cancel”.

Win Dialog page Welcome - Step 1 of 5

The installation program starts with the dialog page “Welcome.”


Fig. 1 Dialog page Welcome

Win Accept license agreement - Step 2 of 5

In order to be proceed with the installation, you have to accept the license agreements. Click on “I agree” on the left of the text and press “Continue”.


Fig. 2 Accept license agreement


  • The button “Continue” is only activated once you have checked the box for license agreements.

  • The button “Print” allows you to print the text of the license agreement.

Win Installation options - Step 3 of 5

Here you can define the directory in which AusweisApp2 will be installed on your computer and adapt the Windows Firewall settings. If you want to keep the default settings click “Continue”.


Fig. 3 Choose installation options and directory


Register AusweisApp2 in your system (Firewall and browser settings): We recommend to keep this box checked, otherwise service providers may not be able to communicate with AusweisApp2.

  • Firewall:

    A rule is added to Windows Firewall allowing service providers to address the AusweisApp2. If you deselect this option, you must create a corresponding rule yourself in the inbound Windows Firewall rules.

  • Browser settings:

    The Internet Explorer allows for “Trusted sites”. If you register the AusweisApp2 in the system, it is added to these trusted sites . Find out how to add the AusweisApp2 manually here.

Win Start installation - Step 4 of 5

You can start the installation process by clicking on “Install”.


Fig. 4 Start installation


Installing AusweisApp2 requires administrator rights. Your operating system will prompt you to grant AusweisApp2 the right to make changes to your system. Click on “Yes” to continue the installing process.


Fig. 5 User account control

The following dialog shows the progress of the installation.


Fig. 6 Progress status of installation

Win Finish - Step 5 of 5

Installation was successful. Close the installation process by clicking “Finish”.


Fig. 7 Finish installation process


Option “Start AusweisApp2”:

This option is selected by default in the last step of the installation. AusweisApp2 is started immediately after completion of the installation.

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