> Provider of online identification

The dialog Provider lists names and addresses of service providers where the online identification function can be used.

Open website of service provider with the Internet browser

Click on the blue address in the right column to open the respective website in your Internet browser.


Fig. 14 Dialog page provider

Search table of service providers

You can search the table for entries as follows:

  1. Click right to the text “Search”.

  2. Enter your search term on your computer’s keyboard.


The search is not case-sensitive. It is also possible to enter parts of a word, such as gov for Governikus.


Fig. 15 Use the search function to filter the provider list


  • Entering https detects all rows in which the address starts with this protocol.

  • Entering stelle detects all names and addresses featuring these characters, e.f. Meldestelle or Zulassungsstelle.

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