Transport PIN

Prior to using your ID card for the online identification, you have to allocate a personalized 6-digit PIN and activate your ID card. You can do this in two different ways:

  1. Upon issue of ID card in

  2. With the 5-digit transport PIN which you will find in PIN letter of Bundesdruckerei (see below for more details).


Difference between ID card PIN and transport PIN

  • Transport PIN:

    The transport PIN has 5 digits. It is a safety feature to activate your ID card.

  • PIN:

    The ID card PIN has 6 digits. You need it to authenticate yourself and change your PIN.

Allocate your personalized 6-digit PIN with your transport PIN

  1. Open the PIN management in the settings of AusweisApp2.


Dialog page PIN management in AusweisApp2

  1. Enter your 5-digit transport PIN in the upper field. You find the PIN in PIN letter of Bundesdruckerei.


Step 2: Enter 5-digit transport PIN

  1. Enter your new personalized 6-digit PIN below.


Step 3: Enter new 6-digit PIN.

  1. Enter your new personalized 6-digit PIN again.


Step 4: Repeat 6-digit PIN

  1. Click the button Change PIN at the bottom on the right.

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