Install card reader

In order for your card reader to function properly, you need to have special software installed, the so-called driver. This steps of the setup assistant lists all card readers certified by the Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI) and web pages from which to download the respective driver.


List of card readers including links to the appropriate drivers


Even if your computer recognizes the card reader when it is plugged in, most card readers will only function properly after the drivers have been installed.

Install driver for card reader

  1. Browse through the list to find your card reader.

  2. Click on the link to the right of picture and model name. This opens the manufacturer’s website with your Internet browser.

  3. Download the driver for your model from this page and install it.


    We strongly recommend to reboot your computer after the installation in order to make correct use of your card reader.

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