Delete History

You can delete the History either completely or only parts of it.

  1. Open the dialog History
  2. Click on “Delete history” in the lower, right-hand corner. A new dialog is opened.

Button “Delete history”

  1. Choose which period of time you wish to delete. Click on the option, e.g. “Past hour” and and choose a new period of time from the list showing next (see the following figure for details).

Dialog page “Delete history” with options

Options in drop-down list:

You can choose one of these entries:

Past hour: deletes the entries created within the last 60 minutes.

Past day: deletes all entries created today.

Past week: deletes the entries created within the past seven days.

Last four weeks: deletes the entries created in the last four weeks.

All history: deletes all entries in the table.

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