Identify: PIN entry with comfort card reader


These card readers feature their own display and keypad. AusweisApp2 will notify you of the appropriate input on the card reader.

When using a comfort card reader no field for PIN entry is shown in Identify. Click on “Identify now” at the bottom on the right to start the process.


Dialog Identify with a comfort card reader

During the identification process various messages, that need to be confirmed by you, will be displayed on the card reader:

  1. Information about Certificate holder. Confirm to continue.
  2. Information about the requested data. Confirm to continue.
  3. Enter your personalized PIN on the card reader’s keypad.
  4. Confirm PIN entry.

Dialog Identify with comfort card reader after start of process


Which button (e.g. OK) is required for confirmation depends of the card reader’s manufacturer.

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