Show AusweisApp2 icon in Windows tray

If the AusweisApp2 icon is not displayed in the Windows system tray, there are two possible reasons.

  1. AusweisApp2 has not been started yet:
    Start AusweisApp2 as described above in Start AusweisApp2.
  2. The icon is hidden:
    Use button “Show hidden symbols”, the small, white triangular symbol in the Windows tray, see next figure.

Button “Show hidden symbols” in Windows tray

Right-click with your mouse and select “Properties”.


Button “Properties” for Windows task bar

Navigate to “Choose icons for display in task bar”.


Choose icons for display

Navigate to entry for AusweisApp2 and choose “on”.


Change settings for AusweisApp2

The icon of AusweisApp2 is displayed in the Windows tray while the program is running.

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