Updates of AusweisApp2ΒΆ


We recommend to install updates on a regular basis in order to benefit from new features and improvements.

If a new version is available, a dialog window will be displayed, showing the version of AusweisApp2 currently installed and the release number of the most recent version. The following figure shows an example.


Notification of software updates

On this dialog page you have the following options:

  • Skip updates:

    If you use this button, this update will not be offered to you again. This dialog page will not be displayed again until the next updated version is available.

  • Remind me later:

    If you use this button, this dialog window is closed and AusweisApp2 is started. This dialog window will not be displayed again until the next start of AusweisApp2.

  • Download update:

    If you use this button, the latest version of AusweisApp2 is downloaded and is available for installation afterwards.


    You need administrator rights to update AusweisApp2 on your Windows PC.

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