Install Card Readers

Using the online identification function of your ID card requires a card reader. You can either use a separately available card reader or connect a suitable smartphone to your computer. This step of the setup wizard assists you with the installation.

Configuration of a smartphone as card reader

In the upper part of the setup wizard you can configure a smartphone as card reader.


Step 2 of the setup wizard

In order to make a smartphone available, you have to make sure that it is in the same network and that the remote service function is enabled.


If available, the function “AP / Client Isolation” of your wireless network must be disabled, so that different devices can communicate with each other. Please note that in many public wireless networks the AP isolation function is enabled and therefore you cannot use your smartphone as card reader in those networks.

As soon as a remote device with enabled remote service function is found, it is shown in the list.


Non-paired remote device

A remote device must be paired before it can be used as a card reader. You can find detailed information on how to pair a remote device in Section Pairing the AusweisApp2 with a smartphone.

A paired and available remote device is displayed as shown in the following figure:


Paired and available remote device

You can now use this remote device as a card reader.

If a paired device is unavailable, it will be marked as “Paired but unavailable”.


Paired, unavailable remote device

You can remove a paired device by clicking on the “Forget” button.

Configuration of a smartphone as card reader

In the lower part of the setup wizard you can configure a card reader.

As soon as at least one card reader is connected, this device will be listed. The column „state“ reveals whether the driver for this particular card reader is installed correctly.

  • In case the driver is correctly installed, the state is given as “Driver installed”; additionally the availability of the card reader is signalled by a green hook next to the card reader’s picture.

Card reader with correctly installed driver

  • In case that a card reader is connected yet no driver installed, the state is given as „No driver installed“. In addition, the URL to the manufacturer’s website is displayed to download the driver.

Card reader without installed driver


It is possible that your card reader is ready-to-use although it is not listed here.

Install driver for card reader

  1. Choose your card reader from the list.
  2. Click on the link below the card reader’s picture on the right. This opens the manufacturer’s website in your browser.
  3. Download and install the driver for your card reader.
  4. Upon successful installation, the state for the connected card reader changes to “Connected w/ driver”.


After connecting the card reader, your PC may indicate that the device is ready to be used. However, most card readers largely work properly when the appropriate driver software has been downloaded and installed directly from the manufacturer.


We recommend to restart your computer once the driver software has been installed to make sure that the card reader functions correctly.

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